
Cocoa Beach Nov. 2009


Multiple Flash

These photos are from a multiple flash shoot at 1982, an all ages music venue, during the pre-Fest concert. The beginning of the shoot was frustrating because our gear wasn't working. However, once it all came together we had fun and met some cool people. Many festival goers attending the Fest were from the UK, Germany and as far as Japan. Most of the shots are taken with three flashes an SB800 and two SB600s. The SB800 served as the master flash to the SB600s.


I've been working on my blog trying to get the right template figured out. For my photos I'm using picasa, which is great for quick uploads and slideshows. It allows you to adjust the size of the slideshow, change the speed, etc. But of course there's always Flickr, which I'll eventually make the switch to, but for ease and time I decided to go with picasa.

The next thing I added to my site which I think is aesthetically appealing and useful for anyone following the blog, is a tag cloud, which you can find under my widgets on the right-hand side. Click on the link and you'll find an easy tutorial on how to set one up for yourself.

Since I already had my tag cloud and slideshows set up, I wanted to increase the image size.

I tried out the larger image size and the template started to look a bit off. So, I've switched back to the original look of the blog. For now I'm content with smaller slideshows, but I would like to change the template once I fix all the kinks.

Please comment with your opinions, suggestions and critiques. I'm open to everything.


A Glass Blown Legacy

Somewhere Glassworks is a "hippie's paradise." It's five acres of land tucked away from the road. When you get there, you first see a geodesic dome and further along you come across a colossal mound of, what Sky Campbell calls, "yard art." It's a place where artists can go when they have no where else or when they're just passing through. While working on my project I met several such people: a marble maker, a large format photographer and other glass artists, including Patrick and Brandon who teach an intro to glassblowing class for Santa Fe.

Sky Campbell and Sarah Hind own their own hot-shop for glassblowing, which includes several furnaces and another shop for bead and lamp making. They were great to work with and I'm grateful for their time and for allowing me to work on the project.

If you're still not sure about what glass blowing is, here's a video of works by the famous glass blowing artist Dale Chihuly:

Light Painting

I first heard about painting with light when reading about the photography Emil Schildt during my junior year in high school. Schildt has some very interesting work: including liquid emulsions; destroying his negatives, what he calls "killing my darlings;" and painting with light. Although I had heard of it and contemplated the idea, I never tried it myself until this year.

Here are some of my images:

You may have seen this in a Sprint flashlight animation commercial:


Translucent objects can be fun to shoot through and add a new dimension to your photographs, you may have noticed some in my Art Show post. When at a festival or covering the beat you should always follow the light: shadows, reflections, translucence, rim lighting, silhouettes. Each of these can enhance your photos. For this shoot I had wanted to photograph outside however, there wasn't enough light to make the idea work, so my model and I went into the studio. Got a few shots, which I think worked out well.

Death By Burpee/ National Fire Fighter Games 2009

These are images of Colin Crane co-owner of Death By Burpee, at the National Firefighter Games 2009 in Daytona, Fla.